Airways - Making your world possible

Industry consultation

Current consultations

FY25 price reset consultation

In April our forecast revenue for FY25 was within 2% of the target revenue set as part of our three-year pricing consultation and at that time we were proposing no changes to our published prices.

However, we have subsequently received revised schedules that show a reduction in both domestic and international flight volumes. These schedule changes reduce our forecast revenue to 96.2% of our target revenue and below the 98% threshold in the risk-sharing mechanism provided for in Airways’ Standard Terms and Pricing Framework. 

As this will have a material and adverse effect on Airway’s financial position, Airways is now proposing a price reset for most of FY25. Therefore, Airways is undertaking further consultation on the proposed prices to apply for most of the period.

Full details of the proposal can be found in the proposal document below. 

We now invite customers to provide any feedback or additional schedule information by 28 June 2024. This can be provided by email to All information will be considered before prices are finalised by 30 July 2024. with the intention that any increased prices will apply from 1 September 2024.  In the meantime, the published prices for FY2025 will apply from 1 July 2024.

Airways Pricing Consultation June 2024