Airways - Making your world possible

Air traffic management

Safe and efficient air travel.

As Aotearoa New Zealand’s air navigation service provider, we are responsible for delivering air traffic control and infrastructure to ensure all aircraft and passengers in our airspace arrive at their destination, safely and efficiently.

From departure to arrival, our air traffic controllers are responsible for ensuring safe separation of aircraft through our airspace and the safe and efficient operation of aircraft in and around airports. They also provide support and information to aircraft travelling in uncontrolled airspace.

The airspace we control

We are responsible for ensuring the safe travel of all aircraft through 30 million square kilometres of airspace – one of the world’s largest areas of airspace – stretching across the South Pacific and Southern Oceans and the Tasman Sea, from 5 degrees south of the equator to Antarctica.

Our flight information regions

  • The NZ domestic FIR covers the entire country and surrounding coastline with both 'controlled' and 'uncontrolled' airspace.
  • The Auckland Oceanic FIR covers close to 29 million square kilometres of the South Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the Tasman Sea, extending from 5 degrees south of the equator to Antarctica. We are responsible for aircraft flying between 24,500 feet and 46,000 feet in this sector.
  • Within the FIRs, there are also areas of uncontrolled airspace, where (light) aircraft are not separated by a controller but receive information and advice to ensure they can conduct their flights safely.

How we manage our airspace

The airspace above New Zealand is divided up to keep all aircraft, passengers and airspace users safe. The airspace air traffic controllers are responsible for managing is called controlled airspace.

Watch the video to find out more about how we manage our airspace.

Technology and innovation

The systems developed by Airways and our partners maximise the efficient use of airspace and help to reduce delays.

We invest in new technology that enhances safety, saves millions of dollars for our customers, and delivers real economic and environmental benefits for our customers and the travelling public.

Find out more about Airways' Collaborative Flow Manager

Find out more about Performance Based Navigation 

Find out more about Divergent Missed Approach Protection System